
What our customers say


Five Star Rated Laundry in the Cotswolds

Customer Testimonials

Don't just take our word for it, see what our lovely customers are saying about Cotswold Tiger Laundry ...


Mrs H 

"I really enjoy your attention to detail, from finding a lavender bag tucked into my freshly laundered duvet cover to the jute bag to carry my laundry and the considered use of environmental friendly brown paper ! 

Not forgetting all the wonderful staff who have a smile and chat and are genuinely pleased to assist ! 

I love Tiger Laundry ❤️


Mrs I 

"Totally charming and helpful. What a huge difference Cotswold Tiger Laundry has made to running our home, B&B and holiday let. Really helpful, great laundry, huge amount of time and effort saved." 


'Mrs A 

"It’s the people; such an amazing friendly team and always go the extra mile to support and the service is exceptional. " 


Mr M 

“Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness. Outstanding service.” '

brown buttoned headboard and white pillowcases with brown velvet cushions - Cotswold Tiger Laundry
pile of white towels with blue painted background -commercial laundry in the Cotswolds
About us, Cotswold Tiger Laundry - white roll top bath with fluffy white dressing gowns hanging up | Cotswold Tiger Laundry
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